Dear Frosted Flakes, you're awesome! because you're tasty
Dear Sushi, you're awesome! because you're delicious and fun to eat.
Dear Japanese guy who invented sushi, you're awesome because you invented sushi
Dear Grey's Anatomy, you're awesome! because I can never get tired of watching you.
Dear Ugly Betty, you're awesome because I enjoy watching you too.
Dear Rikki Garcia, you're awesome for being a bestie and also for following my blog
Dear Aubrey Schaffer, you're awesome because you're probably going to read this blog
Dear McFadden's you're awesome because "Philly" Joe works there.
Dear Blackberry, you're awesome for being a sturdy phone
****Dear John Mayer, I'm in Love with you!****
I hope he googles himself and somehow comes across that statement
Now back to the list
Dear inventor of solitaire, you awesome in a life stealing way because I spend way to much time playing that on my iPod.
Dear Urban Outfitters, Levi's and Forever 21 you're awesome because you make and sell cool things that I like to wear.
Dear Target, you're awesome because I can spend hours at you.
Dear Mac, you're awesome just for being you.
Dear Ryan Guzman, you're awesome for listening to me when I choose to whine or have a lame story to tell.
Dear Grandma, you're awesome for a bazillion reasons.
Dear Friends, you're awesome for being friends.
Dear Kaleidoscope, you're awesome for being my new car.
Dear Andre Cabrales, you're awesome because you're fun and you know everything and you get me un-lost... often.
Dear books that are good, you're awesome because you're fun to read and good.
Dear Joanna Cuamba, you're awesome because you're a negrita and I laugh every time I think of that.
Dear Young Life kids you're awesome because I never have to go anywhere(except school) alone because one of you is always down to go with me.
Dear people of the world, you're awesome because I like to people watch, and you are entertaining.
and last but certainly not least
Dear you, yes you, the one who's reading this right now, you are awesome! Just because too, there's no special reason. You're just all kinds of awesome and I just wanted to tell you.