I said that to a friend the other day via facebook.
Dear Aubrey(because I know at some point you'll read this :-D), I told you I was going to write a blog with this title. I finally figured out what to write about. I said to myself "Duh I'll just tell the story of how I found myself dating in the first place" LoL so I suppose this one is sorta for you :)
So if you aren't Aubrey and aren't really sure what I'm talking about. I'm not dating a person... I wish I was but alas I am not... I'm exploring my options with other young life clubs. And I feel like I'm dating. Let's rewind a little bit. In January I decided to go off staff and that after May I would not be returning to lead in the area. After a lot of prayer and tons of contemplation. I decided it was the right thing to do. It wasn't easy to reach that decision but the longer I thought about it the more right it seemed. So as I let go of the idea of being a part of the area and began to tell people, slowly but surely I let go. When I decided to no longer be a part of the area in January I thought that meant not doing YL at all. I didn't have a real plan, I just knew I needed to make a move I needed to do something. I still don't have a plan but at least I'm happy. So imagine my surprise at the current situation. I didn't think I would be checking out YL clubs in other areas. Just goes to show I'm not really in charge of my life, I'm just following the Good Shepherd and this is what happens when you walk.
The first person who asked me to lead with them... I laughed at them. It was less of a request and more of a sly suggestion like so "oh you don't know what you're doing? You should come lead with us." so I laughed. I thought he was kidding. Then someone else asked and again I laughed but by the 3rd person I decided that perhaps this is not a joke. I mean I do love leading and I've always felt like I could lead anywhere because the call in my heart has always been to "LOVE" nothing more and nothing less. The Lord has called me to love with everything I am and in all that I do I've known that since I was 16. He actually calls all of us to be a part of the Legacy of Love but it looks different for all of us for me it has a twist. It's funny how He calls the girl who has trouble feeling loved to love others but He's God and can do that. I really can love kids anywhere, so I put some thought into it but then I pushed it to the back of my mind (we all know I'm indecisive... I can't even decide to think).
So here's how I got to here. I made a phone call and the voice on the other end said to me, "Christina! How are you?!.... You know I heard some rumors."
So I thought rumors about me??? and said, "What did you hear?" While still racking my brain about what the voice could have heard.
"I heard you're going to lead in (the area that spreads rumors to voices shall remain nameless here as they meant no harm)"
"Oh that's just a rumor, I didn't say yes, I said I'd think about it and I've been asked to check some other clubs out too so I don't know I'm just not sure."
"Ok, ok but you'd be great anywhere, especially in (the area that spreads rumors to voices shall still remain nameless). But we'll see" and we moved on.
Please note I called the voice about something that had nothing to do with this conversation this is just the first thing that the voice said to me in our convo. So after talking to the voice(I sound like I think I'm one of Charlie's Angels) I texted one of my rumor spreading friends. Who only proceeded to insist we make the rumor a fact. So I decided it couldn't hurt to go see a club. Thus the dating began. I really enjoyed their club. I was planning to be a silent bystander... but I couldn't resist jumping in there and playing games with the kids and talking to them. It's way less creepy then being the 21 year old in the back of the room an 75 times more fun. It was totally different from the things I've done before but I enjoyed the laid back feel. I was then persuaded to attend a team meeting and I really liked that too. Again it was just different, but a really good different. So then I started thinking wait I can't commit yet I don't even know if I'll have time and there's still those other options out there. You know the other fish in the sea. So I've made a couple more "dates" number 3 with my rumor spreading friends (who I suppose in this dating analogy might be courting me by now) and date 1 with another club I heard is doing big things and needs a lady leader (say what??? a need for my femaleness<---which will never be a word no matter how many times I say it, rewind a few blog posts to Being a lady and you'll see why that's funny to me).
So I don't know what I'm doing but I feel like I'm dating Young Life areas. It's allowed and if it isn't who said I had to follow the rules?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I love here.
I've lived in Arizona for 8 years as of this month and May is typically the time of year when I start to think to myself. "I really want to go home" it about to get hot in this valley place and I want out. I always miss spring which in turn makes me long for the way the air smells on a warm summer night. I can't describe it but I love it.
I'm from here.
It's nice. Hay fields and all. LoL
However this year for the very first time I don't want to go home. I'm not compelled to whine about how much I want to go home. How much I miss the grass and water and trees. I suppose maybe I am home. Maybe home is now the brown, dry place with the cacti and dry river beds and amazing sunsets that make my heart melt.
I'm still not from here but I love here. I love this valley place and the heat. I love the cacti and the lack of water. I love the sunsets the most. Its not such a bad place and it only took me 8 years to acknowledge it. Plus there is a zoo here. I love the zoo.
I'm from here.
It's nice. Hay fields and all. LoL
However this year for the very first time I don't want to go home. I'm not compelled to whine about how much I want to go home. How much I miss the grass and water and trees. I suppose maybe I am home. Maybe home is now the brown, dry place with the cacti and dry river beds and amazing sunsets that make my heart melt.
I'm still not from here but I love here. I love this valley place and the heat. I love the cacti and the lack of water. I love the sunsets the most. Its not such a bad place and it only took me 8 years to acknowledge it. Plus there is a zoo here. I love the zoo.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
So what's wrong with us?: Take 2-The Arizona Issue
Once again I find myself asking what is wrong with us? Not me or even my friends and associates specifically but "us" as a people group. What's wrong with Americans scratch that what's wrong with Arizonans. Why do we do things that just don't make sense? If we just took a second and really thought it out we'd see how dumb it is. The Arizona Senate has passed a bill AZ SB 1070, it is immigration legislation and basically permits racial discrimination. I'm not a fan of political debate, I know what's going on in the world but I keep my thoughts to myself so as to avoid pointless heated debates because I prefer not to fight with people. So I'll put a disclaimer on this one:
If you are reading this and you are an AZ republican, a supporter of AZ SB 1070 or someone who has ever said the following statement and been serious about it "America is for AMERICANS" then stop reading this post. I love you because I love all of God's people and you are one of them but I don't agree with you and I am going to bash on your opinions for a sec. You're entitled to your opinion but I'm entitled to disagree and put it out there.
Now if you don't know about Arizona Senate Bill 1070 lemme give you a little run down, I researched it this morning and I'm outraged.
1. So first of all the Bill applies to any and all immigrants however this is Arizona... so I going to venture to say I think perhaps the Canadians are safe. That leaves our central American friends to be heavily effected by this potential law.
2. The bill has passed the senate and house on a party vote (Dems voted NO Repubs voted YES) it is awaiting the approval or veto of Gov. Brewer.
3. The bill if made law will allow police with "reasonable suspicion" to question and verify the immigrant status of people they stop for any reason. Also they do not need a warrant to arrest "suspicious" persons they suspect have committed any unlawful act.
4. Being present on public or private land is an offense according to SB 1070.
5. Residents will be prosecuted for involvement in harboring, transporting or the employment of immigrants who are not in possession of the proper documentation. Whether or not the resident is aware of the immigrant's status or not.
6. Specifies that it is unlawful, if a motor vehicle is stopped on a street, roadway or highway and blocks or impedes the normal movement of traffic: a) for a motor vehicle occupant to attempt to hire or hire and pick up passengers for work at a different location b) for a person to enter the motor vehicle in order to be hired by a motor vehicle occupant and to be transported to work at a different location. (so don't pick up Home Depot Mexicans... or black guys... one time I saw a black guy kicking it with the Home Depot Mexicanos. This SB 1070 is bad for everyone LoL but seriously)
So that's a little bit of info on the bill but if you wanna know more Google that there is tons more to read.
I would like to comment on "reasonable suspicion". What the hell is reasonable suspicion to ask someone if they are an illegal immigrant? What make the officer suspect anything. Am I suspicious because I'm Latina and I have brown skin. Because you can not just look at someone and decide if they might be an immigrant unless you consider where they may have originated from. How do you do that? You consider their race. THAT IS RACIAL PROFILE. Arizona are you seriously going to pass a bill and make it law, if it allows racially profiling people? Think about it are they going to pull over the pick up truck with Chihuahua in the rear window or the Lexus with Caucasian female driver? The truck duh. Well what about if you see two individuals riding in a car and they both have brown skin, are they suspicious because one of them could be "smuggling" the other. Should they be pulled over because of it and asked if they're illegals? Are you suspicious for looking a certain way or speaking a certain way. Are you suspicious because of your skin color? I'm sorry is this Nazi Germany? Should we have people sew sombreros on their shirts? Think I went too far with the Nazi comparison? Wrong! Writing this law was too far to start with so I'm taking it there. The Nazi's singled out a group of people they deemed to be lesser people. They passed laws that prevented them from having rights. There was a decree that prevented Jewish people from being in public at certain hours. SB 1070 states being present on public or private land without having the proper papers illegal. They can be picked up and deported for just being. The Nazis did that to the Jewish people, they tried to get rid of them. The only difference here is the fact that we aren't killing immigrants. There is no genocide here but I mean we're standing pretty close to the line. This is how the Nazis started, Hitler didn't kill millions of Jewish people over night, he stripped them of human rights first.
Like I said it applies to any immigrants in the state but if you think about it Europeans blend in, and so do Canadians. Plus this is Arizona, we all know this bill is directed at the Mexican immigrant population.
So I ask, what the hell is wrong with you, republican senators of Arizona? What the hell is wrong with anyone who isn't outraged at this. Dear Russell Pearce(who wrote the bill) Are you smoking hookah with the devil? Seriously is Hitler's ghost whispering in your ear at night because I'm pretty sure this is a really fucking stupid and racist idea. (yes I cussed and no I don't care who knows because I still love Jesus) Who writes legislation that permits the open discrimination on a portion of the population. I don't care if they're illegally here. Further more if you think its morally sound to pass this bill I think you're on drugs because this is bullshit bullshit bullshit... to quote Russell Brand.
There is no way on Earth that this is the best way to deal with illegal immigration. I'm all for reform but I'm against discrimination. This legalizes the open discrimination and it will be based on skin color, race and country of origin. You can't decide if someone is from here unless you ask them because no one looks like an immigrant. We're all born from immigrants even if its been 15 plus generations your family crossed a border to get here unless you're Native American. This bill singles out the Latino population to be persecuted because those are the "immigrants" that are not welcome here. So it is inevitable that people who are legal immigrants or even residents will be affected by this the passing of this bill. There is no way to avoid it no way, unless we write some more specific stupid laws. Like we might as well make them sew sombrero patches to their shirts and so it's easier to decide to check them.
I get it those people shouldn't be here without documentation but they're already here buddy, figure something else out. Give them an option. . Don't deport them for standing in public. Estan locos pinche cabrones? What the hell is wrong with Arizona.
If you are reading this and you are an AZ republican, a supporter of AZ SB 1070 or someone who has ever said the following statement and been serious about it "America is for AMERICANS" then stop reading this post. I love you because I love all of God's people and you are one of them but I don't agree with you and I am going to bash on your opinions for a sec. You're entitled to your opinion but I'm entitled to disagree and put it out there.
Now if you don't know about Arizona Senate Bill 1070 lemme give you a little run down, I researched it this morning and I'm outraged.
1. So first of all the Bill applies to any and all immigrants however this is Arizona... so I going to venture to say I think perhaps the Canadians are safe. That leaves our central American friends to be heavily effected by this potential law.
2. The bill has passed the senate and house on a party vote (Dems voted NO Repubs voted YES) it is awaiting the approval or veto of Gov. Brewer.
3. The bill if made law will allow police with "reasonable suspicion" to question and verify the immigrant status of people they stop for any reason. Also they do not need a warrant to arrest "suspicious" persons they suspect have committed any unlawful act.
4. Being present on public or private land is an offense according to SB 1070.
5. Residents will be prosecuted for involvement in harboring, transporting or the employment of immigrants who are not in possession of the proper documentation. Whether or not the resident is aware of the immigrant's status or not.
6. Specifies that it is unlawful, if a motor vehicle is stopped on a street, roadway or highway and blocks or impedes the normal movement of traffic: a) for a motor vehicle occupant to attempt to hire or hire and pick up passengers for work at a different location b) for a person to enter the motor vehicle in order to be hired by a motor vehicle occupant and to be transported to work at a different location. (so don't pick up Home Depot Mexicans... or black guys... one time I saw a black guy kicking it with the Home Depot Mexicanos. This SB 1070 is bad for everyone LoL but seriously)
So that's a little bit of info on the bill but if you wanna know more Google that there is tons more to read.
I would like to comment on "reasonable suspicion". What the hell is reasonable suspicion to ask someone if they are an illegal immigrant? What make the officer suspect anything. Am I suspicious because I'm Latina and I have brown skin. Because you can not just look at someone and decide if they might be an immigrant unless you consider where they may have originated from. How do you do that? You consider their race. THAT IS RACIAL PROFILE. Arizona are you seriously going to pass a bill and make it law, if it allows racially profiling people? Think about it are they going to pull over the pick up truck with Chihuahua in the rear window or the Lexus with Caucasian female driver? The truck duh. Well what about if you see two individuals riding in a car and they both have brown skin, are they suspicious because one of them could be "smuggling" the other. Should they be pulled over because of it and asked if they're illegals? Are you suspicious for looking a certain way or speaking a certain way. Are you suspicious because of your skin color? I'm sorry is this Nazi Germany? Should we have people sew sombreros on their shirts? Think I went too far with the Nazi comparison? Wrong! Writing this law was too far to start with so I'm taking it there. The Nazi's singled out a group of people they deemed to be lesser people. They passed laws that prevented them from having rights. There was a decree that prevented Jewish people from being in public at certain hours. SB 1070 states being present on public or private land without having the proper papers illegal. They can be picked up and deported for just being. The Nazis did that to the Jewish people, they tried to get rid of them. The only difference here is the fact that we aren't killing immigrants. There is no genocide here but I mean we're standing pretty close to the line. This is how the Nazis started, Hitler didn't kill millions of Jewish people over night, he stripped them of human rights first.
Like I said it applies to any immigrants in the state but if you think about it Europeans blend in, and so do Canadians. Plus this is Arizona, we all know this bill is directed at the Mexican immigrant population.
So I ask, what the hell is wrong with you, republican senators of Arizona? What the hell is wrong with anyone who isn't outraged at this. Dear Russell Pearce(who wrote the bill) Are you smoking hookah with the devil? Seriously is Hitler's ghost whispering in your ear at night because I'm pretty sure this is a really fucking stupid and racist idea. (yes I cussed and no I don't care who knows because I still love Jesus) Who writes legislation that permits the open discrimination on a portion of the population. I don't care if they're illegally here. Further more if you think its morally sound to pass this bill I think you're on drugs because this is bullshit bullshit bullshit... to quote Russell Brand.
There is no way on Earth that this is the best way to deal with illegal immigration. I'm all for reform but I'm against discrimination. This legalizes the open discrimination and it will be based on skin color, race and country of origin. You can't decide if someone is from here unless you ask them because no one looks like an immigrant. We're all born from immigrants even if its been 15 plus generations your family crossed a border to get here unless you're Native American. This bill singles out the Latino population to be persecuted because those are the "immigrants" that are not welcome here. So it is inevitable that people who are legal immigrants or even residents will be affected by this the passing of this bill. There is no way to avoid it no way, unless we write some more specific stupid laws. Like we might as well make them sew sombrero patches to their shirts and so it's easier to decide to check them.
I get it those people shouldn't be here without documentation but they're already here buddy, figure something else out. Give them an option. . Don't deport them for standing in public. Estan locos pinche cabrones? What the hell is wrong with Arizona.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Drinking Kool-Aid in the In-between Place. (dedicated to a friend)
Have you ever just felt just stuck in the in between? The in between isn't a real place its more of a state of mind but I think most people know what I'm talking about because they've been there. It the part of our lives that we feel stuck in transition. You know like right after you graduate high school when you're figuring out how to be a college student, that's the in between. The entire age of 20 is classified as the in between because its weird and spacey and not an adult but not a kid. Like when you aren't quite that anymore but you haven't reached the this yet. I'm a frequent visitor to the in between. I've turned it into a home. I feel like I've been in transition for like 10 years now (not literally). Some new piece is always sliding into the puzzle box and changing the whole picture that I call my life. Sometimes it feels like there's a piece missing though. Like I can't find that one thing or those few things like I've got this absence in my life. An abyss if you would. The thing about the in between is that it can be a black hole if you let it. It can just suck you down this deep dark hole. It's the lack of stability coupled with the lack of knowing. In the in between you never know what's next. Life just comes at you and that my friends is scary. Really, really scary. Sometimes when you're in the in between the following happens.
Your day starts out pretty normal typical things you get ready, shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair or in my case ruffle it up some more. Then it hits you like a baseball bat to the face. You have no idea what going on in your life. You're craving more but you don't know where to find the more you want. Then the bat bearer gives you a swift one to the ribs as you start to think of all the unfulfilled desires in your life. All the things you want, the heart's desires, and the love you're seeking. The pain you're trying to let go and that thing you miss. Next the kneecaps and this one is how you get stuck. You think of all the inadequacies you think you have. All those flaws that most of the time you're the only that sees them. You know that little voice that tells you you aren't enough... enough of this or that, you aren't tall enough or cool enough or smart enough. LIES it isn't true the baseball bat is full of lies. Remember most of the time we're our own worst critics and the batter knows our weak spots. When we let ourselves go and we get trapped in the in between thinking hurts and you want to crawl under a blanket and spend the next two weeks there in your PJ's. I know you know what I mean.
So what do you do? You drink kool-aid. You're favorite flavor of kool-aid (mine is red... lol no not cherry or fruit punch... RED) but you drink it and you reject the scariness and negativity of the in between. Maybe you need a mope day or a free day but you don't get stuck in the hole you drink your kool-aid and keep on trucking. You reject the lies that the batter is hitting you with. Reject the lies and claim the truth. Make the truth yours, the truth is every where and we can always find it and we need to remember that the in between doesn't last forever. Its a temporary state. You just have to survive it.
The Truth
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm, plans to give you a hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11
"...being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ." -Philippians 1:6
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." -2 Timothy 1:7
"And he said, "O man greatly beloved, fear not! Peace be to you; be strong, yes, be strong!" So when he spoke to me I was strengthened, and said, "Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me."" -Daniel 10:19
Claim the truth where ever you find it. (I stole that line from Rob Bell) Duh there is truth in the Bible that's a given the Bible is truth its The Way but there is truth other places too. Just because it isn't Bible or it wasn't written by a Christian doesn't make it untrue. You've gotta grab the truth and know make it your own. My version of the truth is: life is crazy you don't really know what you're gonna get its like picking names out of a hat. But God is good real good and he has something going on. For example sometimes we(I mean me) feel bad about the way we look we(I still mean me) think that we should look like what society tells us we should. Then some creeper at the gas station tell you you're pretty. Even if he's creepy that's kinda nice. That is truth. You're awesome the way you are so whether you hear it from the gas station guy or some creepy lady in who tells you in Spanish(that was for the fellas) You're awesome! God made you awesome.
The sucking part of the in between happens because the batter knows our weak spots and how to hit them. But we've gotta look at the positive. We've can't think about what we don't have but remember what we do have. We need to remember that we have someone who loves us and we have friends who are there for us and they love us too. Even when we think we aren't making an impact we are because sometimes we never know how we touch the lives of those around us. We may never know but that isn't a reason to stop living like we do. We don't let ourselves get stuck. Everyone has bad days but the bad days don't last forever. The in between is temporary. But we have to go there to get to the next place. We have to wade through the blackness but we aren't alone and that makes the black hole conquerable.
The Lord has a plan a good plan he's the master planner, be confident in his plan and the work he is doing in you, do not be fearful but live with power and love, love God, love his people, love yourself, love his people. You too are His beloved so be at peace.
Your day starts out pretty normal typical things you get ready, shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair or in my case ruffle it up some more. Then it hits you like a baseball bat to the face. You have no idea what going on in your life. You're craving more but you don't know where to find the more you want. Then the bat bearer gives you a swift one to the ribs as you start to think of all the unfulfilled desires in your life. All the things you want, the heart's desires, and the love you're seeking. The pain you're trying to let go and that thing you miss. Next the kneecaps and this one is how you get stuck. You think of all the inadequacies you think you have. All those flaws that most of the time you're the only that sees them. You know that little voice that tells you you aren't enough... enough of this or that, you aren't tall enough or cool enough or smart enough. LIES it isn't true the baseball bat is full of lies. Remember most of the time we're our own worst critics and the batter knows our weak spots. When we let ourselves go and we get trapped in the in between thinking hurts and you want to crawl under a blanket and spend the next two weeks there in your PJ's. I know you know what I mean.
So what do you do? You drink kool-aid. You're favorite flavor of kool-aid (mine is red... lol no not cherry or fruit punch... RED) but you drink it and you reject the scariness and negativity of the in between. Maybe you need a mope day or a free day but you don't get stuck in the hole you drink your kool-aid and keep on trucking. You reject the lies that the batter is hitting you with. Reject the lies and claim the truth. Make the truth yours, the truth is every where and we can always find it and we need to remember that the in between doesn't last forever. Its a temporary state. You just have to survive it.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm, plans to give you a hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11
"...being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ." -Philippians 1:6
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." -2 Timothy 1:7
"And he said, "O man greatly beloved, fear not! Peace be to you; be strong, yes, be strong!" So when he spoke to me I was strengthened, and said, "Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me."" -Daniel 10:19
Claim the truth where ever you find it. (I stole that line from Rob Bell) Duh there is truth in the Bible that's a given the Bible is truth its The Way but there is truth other places too. Just because it isn't Bible or it wasn't written by a Christian doesn't make it untrue. You've gotta grab the truth and know make it your own. My version of the truth is: life is crazy you don't really know what you're gonna get its like picking names out of a hat. But God is good real good and he has something going on. For example sometimes we(I mean me) feel bad about the way we look we(I still mean me) think that we should look like what society tells us we should. Then some creeper at the gas station tell you you're pretty. Even if he's creepy that's kinda nice. That is truth. You're awesome the way you are so whether you hear it from the gas station guy or some creepy lady in who tells you in Spanish(that was for the fellas) You're awesome! God made you awesome.
The sucking part of the in between happens because the batter knows our weak spots and how to hit them. But we've gotta look at the positive. We've can't think about what we don't have but remember what we do have. We need to remember that we have someone who loves us and we have friends who are there for us and they love us too. Even when we think we aren't making an impact we are because sometimes we never know how we touch the lives of those around us. We may never know but that isn't a reason to stop living like we do. We don't let ourselves get stuck. Everyone has bad days but the bad days don't last forever. The in between is temporary. But we have to go there to get to the next place. We have to wade through the blackness but we aren't alone and that makes the black hole conquerable.
The Lord has a plan a good plan he's the master planner, be confident in his plan and the work he is doing in you, do not be fearful but live with power and love, love God, love his people, love yourself, love his people. You too are His beloved so be at peace.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Crossing lines and people quitting.
I quit a person. I did it because I just don't agree with some people. So I quit this person because I think we'll never agree. I may have quit other people before but this is the first time I consciously decided I quit you, person. People just don't agree I know you know what I mean. For example when this guy in my class said he thinks communism is a good idea and held firm to that belief and insisted on debating it. Even after I explained how counter intuitive to human nature it is and it can't work because it's a Utopian ideal and Utopia is impossible to achieve and without sounding like a bible thumper I tried to explain it’s because of sin without saying “Utopia can’t be achieved because there is no perfect society with sin in the world you big dummy.” But that guy just kept going and explained all the things he thinks would be better if the U.S. was a communist country. Don't misinterpret the following because I'm pretty liberal… but no one in their right mind agrees with that guy (p.s. if you do happen to agree with that guy, well I don't agree with you either. Read a book or look into the history of Russia or Romania or any country that was part of the Soviet Block for that matter). Say what you want about me. I just know better than to think everyone can be satisfied being "equal" and under the thumb of an ideology. So sometimes I want to kick that guy in the shins but I don't I just laugh at him and walk away. Mostly because I think that guy isn't worth my time, he's stubborn and because I don’t care about that guy he’s a lost cause to me. Something I shouldn't even bother with... well as far as debate goes that is. He’s a library Marxist and deserves to live in Russia (credit the second half of that statement to my quotable professor). Can I apply that to anyone I don’t agree with? The laugh and walk away because I don’t care about you because you’re a lost cause attitude.
Obviously it works with silly things like political debate but what about the million other things in life? I mean, I know that no one expects everyone to believe the same as them on every single issue ever thought of but where do we draw the line? When do we say "you and I disagree on some pretty important things, I think we should just agree to disagree and leave it there never to be revisited because I'm done with you." Is that even right? Can I do that? I've been asking myself that a lot lately. I used to believe that people could be incredibly different minded but still come together and do things but I don't know anymore if it’s true. I used to think you had to agree on the really big things and then the petty stuff that you disagreed on would just pass. However I think you have to agree on that too. You have to agree to let the petty stuff go. It just isn’t worth it and I think both parties have to agree about that. I think it’s the little things that divide a group. I think people forget about the important things that brought them together in the first place and they forget that they’re supposed to be different and that was the cool thing they had going for them and the dwelling starts. The passing just does not happen.
Specifically here's why I think that...
Not too long ago I found myself in the midst a pretty deep debate about something and I stood in complete disagreement with someone. It was stupid. I really felt like it was not a big deal. It was a difference and I felt that it should have just been let go. I felt the discussion should have been over before it even started. What was said should not have been said. Hence why I was ready to fight it was too far and it kept going farther to me. When it was brought up I found myself infuriated because it was even being discussed. So much so that I knew I could start a fight about it. I could have defended what I believed in from here to next month I was prepared to fight. In the beginning I was burning with desire to crush the other person to defend what I believed… then I realized, I'd been in that place with that same person before. This time I probably could have hit with some heavy blows and won the fight too. But I didn't, I just did nothing. I did nothing because as soon as I assessed the situation I lost the will want to fight. I just didn't care enough to fight with them. I cared enough about what I was ready to defend but I didn't care to waste my energy on the other person because I felt it was a lost cause because they were being pretty damn petty. Not to mention I felt that the other person crossed a line and I didn't want to cross it too. So I put my hands in my pockets and shut my mouth. Then a few hours later after some contemplation I quit that person. Can I do that?
Is that where I draw my line, when it isn't worth fighting for anymore? When someone isn't worth me fighting with any more? When I've completely lost the will to fight? When I encounter a lost cause for me... because I'm human... God can salvage anything and everything but I can't I don't have that ability. Things will be beyond my ability to fix at some point. Is that the line? Can I quit people when I reach that line? Can I quit them when I realize that we're different but we can't be alright with those differences we have to dwell on them and cross lines? Say things we shouldn't? Judge others? Can I quit that person?
I don't know if I can; I'm not even remotely sure that it's allowed...
but I quit a person.
Obviously it works with silly things like political debate but what about the million other things in life? I mean, I know that no one expects everyone to believe the same as them on every single issue ever thought of but where do we draw the line? When do we say "you and I disagree on some pretty important things, I think we should just agree to disagree and leave it there never to be revisited because I'm done with you." Is that even right? Can I do that? I've been asking myself that a lot lately. I used to believe that people could be incredibly different minded but still come together and do things but I don't know anymore if it’s true. I used to think you had to agree on the really big things and then the petty stuff that you disagreed on would just pass. However I think you have to agree on that too. You have to agree to let the petty stuff go. It just isn’t worth it and I think both parties have to agree about that. I think it’s the little things that divide a group. I think people forget about the important things that brought them together in the first place and they forget that they’re supposed to be different and that was the cool thing they had going for them and the dwelling starts. The passing just does not happen.
Specifically here's why I think that...
Not too long ago I found myself in the midst a pretty deep debate about something and I stood in complete disagreement with someone. It was stupid. I really felt like it was not a big deal. It was a difference and I felt that it should have just been let go. I felt the discussion should have been over before it even started. What was said should not have been said. Hence why I was ready to fight it was too far and it kept going farther to me. When it was brought up I found myself infuriated because it was even being discussed. So much so that I knew I could start a fight about it. I could have defended what I believed in from here to next month I was prepared to fight. In the beginning I was burning with desire to crush the other person to defend what I believed… then I realized, I'd been in that place with that same person before. This time I probably could have hit with some heavy blows and won the fight too. But I didn't, I just did nothing. I did nothing because as soon as I assessed the situation I lost the will want to fight. I just didn't care enough to fight with them. I cared enough about what I was ready to defend but I didn't care to waste my energy on the other person because I felt it was a lost cause because they were being pretty damn petty. Not to mention I felt that the other person crossed a line and I didn't want to cross it too. So I put my hands in my pockets and shut my mouth. Then a few hours later after some contemplation I quit that person. Can I do that?
Is that where I draw my line, when it isn't worth fighting for anymore? When someone isn't worth me fighting with any more? When I've completely lost the will to fight? When I encounter a lost cause for me... because I'm human... God can salvage anything and everything but I can't I don't have that ability. Things will be beyond my ability to fix at some point. Is that the line? Can I quit people when I reach that line? Can I quit them when I realize that we're different but we can't be alright with those differences we have to dwell on them and cross lines? Say things we shouldn't? Judge others? Can I quit that person?
I don't know if I can; I'm not even remotely sure that it's allowed...
but I quit a person.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Dirty Soy Chai Tea Latte and Gabriel García Márquez
I love sitting in bookstores and reading their books its like a swanky library with mood music. I like to buy a dirty soy chai tea latte (chai tea with soy milk and a shot of espresso) from whatever cafe they offer me and browse their book selection. I could do it every day. It might be weird for me to be a regular in a bookstore but I'm not too concerned with that because what isn't weird about me. Back to the bookstore I took a look at this book 1001 Book You Must read in your life time. I'm no literature buff... well Spanish Literature yes but not English Literature. As I browsed though the book I realized I'm well on my way to achieving the 1001 books, some of my favorite authors are prominently featured in the book including Gabriel García Márquez... I know you had no idea where I was going and probably still don't. I absolutely love his novels and short stories I think they are magnificent. Furthermore García Márquez goes well with a dirty soy chai. My 2 favorite things about his books are 1) they have a subtle feel of a fantasy, I love the clever use of imagination and things that could never happen in real life juxtaposed next to things that are perfectly possible. 2) there is a real life element in all of his books there is repetition in ideas. My favorite book is Cien años de soledad or One Hundred Years of Solitude I read it in Spanish first, it was the first novel I read in Spanish. It was pretty hard to understand too so I didn't completely understand the book until reread it in English and that's when I fell in love. Here's why I really loved the thematic repetition... and yes I know how nerdy that sounded... there is this repetition of names, situations, circumstances in the story and the book ends with everything in the same state that it began after immense changes and revolution the fictional villages it returns to to its original primitive and secluded state.

I love it because that is life its this cyclic things where this event looks like that event but its not because no two moments are the same. That is my life. One of my professors once said this to my class: "History doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes."
*side note*
She's pretty quoteable my favorite thing she says is, whenever people don't do things they are supposed to do she tells them "Angels will weep for you."
*end side note*
Welp I'm pretty sure my life was written by Dr. Seuss, see Green Eggs and Ham, Sam I Am is modeled after me. Get to the point Christina. My point is I feel like its 2007 again.
*Flashback* It's April, I have a million assignments due and finals to take. I'm nervous and I can't sleep most nights. I'm anticipating the excitement of starting a new chapter in my life. I'm about to graduate High School and I have no real plan nor do I have a purpose I'm just ready for adventure. I'm just moving forward with no idea where I'm going. I do know I'm doing Work Crew at a Young Life camp for a month in the summer and one of my best friends is going to be there too. I don't know what I'm going to do when I get back. I have options but no plans, I'm just walking. *End Flashback*
Present day. It's April I have a million assignments due and finals to take. I'm nervous and I can't sleep most nights. I'm anticipating the excitement of starting a new chapter in my life. I have no idea when I'm going to graduate college. I just declared a minor so I've pushed back my graduation date a semester to the Fall of 2011 but I could graduate in the Spring of 2012 and walk with my Best Friend, Bri. I have no real plan for after graduation or even after the summer for that matter nor do I actually have some kind of a purpose. I'm just moving forward with no idea where I'm going. I do know I'm Interning at a Young Life camp for the whole summer and one of my favorite people is going to be there too and that I'm beyond ecstatic about it! I don't know what I'm going to do when I get back. I have options but no plans, I'm just walking.
I told you my life rhymes.
I love it because that is life its this cyclic things where this event looks like that event but its not because no two moments are the same. That is my life. One of my professors once said this to my class: "History doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes."
She's pretty quoteable my favorite thing she says is, whenever people don't do things they are supposed to do she tells them "Angels will weep for you."
*end side note*
Welp I'm pretty sure my life was written by Dr. Seuss, see Green Eggs and Ham, Sam I Am is modeled after me. Get to the point Christina. My point is I feel like its 2007 again.
*Flashback* It's April, I have a million assignments due and finals to take. I'm nervous and I can't sleep most nights. I'm anticipating the excitement of starting a new chapter in my life. I'm about to graduate High School and I have no real plan nor do I have a purpose I'm just ready for adventure. I'm just moving forward with no idea where I'm going. I do know I'm doing Work Crew at a Young Life camp for a month in the summer and one of my best friends is going to be there too. I don't know what I'm going to do when I get back. I have options but no plans, I'm just walking. *End Flashback*
Present day. It's April I have a million assignments due and finals to take. I'm nervous and I can't sleep most nights. I'm anticipating the excitement of starting a new chapter in my life. I have no idea when I'm going to graduate college. I just declared a minor so I've pushed back my graduation date a semester to the Fall of 2011 but I could graduate in the Spring of 2012 and walk with my Best Friend, Bri. I have no real plan for after graduation or even after the summer for that matter nor do I actually have some kind of a purpose. I'm just moving forward with no idea where I'm going. I do know I'm Interning at a Young Life camp for the whole summer and one of my favorite people is going to be there too and that I'm beyond ecstatic about it! I don't know what I'm going to do when I get back. I have options but no plans, I'm just walking.
I told you my life rhymes.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Who Told You That?
I was in one of my sit in the corner of a bookstore and check out their book selection while drinking an iced dirty soy chai latte moods today. So I stopped at Barnes and Nobel on my way home, grabbed a comfy seat and some books and I stumble on this book:
so I picked it up expecting it to be mildly funny and to get a couple of good laughs before putting it down and moving on to something better like Gabriel Garcia Marquez... who's my favorite author to read on days I feel like this. However I found myself entangled in the pages it was so true and so funny the author Jonathan Acuff is brilliant. The entire book is short essays on... well things Christians like. They're a little sarcastic and definitely satirical but most of all its true... and I say that as knowing I do half of the stuff he talks aboutmys. If you have the time I suggest you pick it up I read the whole thing in B&N for free. He has a blog too Google that because you need to at least read "Booty, God, Booty". Anyway one of the things said in one of Jonathan Acuff's essays that caught my attention. He told a story about his daughter experiencing shame for the first time and that's what this is about.
We all know about it because at some point everyone has been a little or sometimes a lot ashamed. The first time humans experience shame is in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve realized "Oh crap we're butt booty naked! and we've been naked this whole dang time! Oh double crap!! God's coming we gotta hide and cover up! Quick fig leaves yeah we're gonna use these fig leaves."-CAPV (Christina Alicia Polite Version... its fairly accurate lol) In all seriousness that's the first shame and its been all down hill from there for us people. We get all backed into a corner and feel so ashamed of ourselves and it works it way into lives of so many of us and we all get hurt by the shame monster, and he's often accompanied by friends like Doubt, Jealousy, Fear, and Hate. All these monsters are running a muck in our lives... well I know they do in mine. Most of us totally live every day of our lives crushed under the foot of some manifestation this monster... I just didn't have a name for it until I read this book and I thought about it. You know what God said to Adam and Eve? He says, "Who told you that you were naked?" Now God knows what happened he isn't really asking them to tell him who said that. It isn't like God's gonna be that mom... you know the one... the mom that asks who bothered her baby so that she can go get them and punish them for hurting her baby, God is not that mom. In Acuff's essay he says God was expressing his hurt because his creations were experiencing something that he never meant for them to feel. God was brokenhearted that Adam and Eve were too ashamed of themselves to stand before Him and I agree with him Acuff God was expressing his hurt. Furthermore I think the rest of us who came into being way after the fig leaves incident of 1 B.C.E. (I don't know if that's accurate dating... I don't get dates) have broken God's heart a lot with how much we allow our shame to make us fear standing before God. We fail to believe in who's he's made us to be. See I firmly believe in God and who he is but I think I waver on who I am sometime... and I'm gonna go out on limb here and say that I'm not the only one.
There are probably a million things holding peoplekind <--- my word > back. The fear of looking silly in front of other people, perhaps not being good enough, tall enough, or short enough(I know someone out there feels awkwardly tall... you aren't... you're majestic! and this is for you). Maybe we don't think we fit in or something like that what ever your particular beef with yourself is. Well who told you that? Who said that? Why do you believe that? Did God say that? I don't think so because God doesn't want us to be ashamed of who we are. Adam and Eve were rocking their birthday suits happily before the fall... maybe we should go retro and happily rock our birthday suits (figuratively please... I don't want anyone getting arrested) and just be comfortable in our own skin no matter what it looks like.
God's probably all tear-eyed sitting there next to you saying "Who told you that?" right now.
so I picked it up expecting it to be mildly funny and to get a couple of good laughs before putting it down and moving on to something better like Gabriel Garcia Marquez... who's my favorite author to read on days I feel like this. However I found myself entangled in the pages it was so true and so funny the author Jonathan Acuff is brilliant. The entire book is short essays on... well things Christians like. They're a little sarcastic and definitely satirical but most of all its true... and I say that as knowing I do half of the stuff he talks aboutmys. If you have the time I suggest you pick it up I read the whole thing in B&N for free. He has a blog too Google that because you need to at least read "Booty, God, Booty". Anyway one of the things said in one of Jonathan Acuff's essays that caught my attention. He told a story about his daughter experiencing shame for the first time and that's what this is about.
We all know about it because at some point everyone has been a little or sometimes a lot ashamed. The first time humans experience shame is in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve realized "Oh crap we're butt booty naked! and we've been naked this whole dang time! Oh double crap!! God's coming we gotta hide and cover up! Quick fig leaves yeah we're gonna use these fig leaves."-CAPV (Christina Alicia Polite Version... its fairly accurate lol) In all seriousness that's the first shame and its been all down hill from there for us people. We get all backed into a corner and feel so ashamed of ourselves and it works it way into lives of so many of us and we all get hurt by the shame monster, and he's often accompanied by friends like Doubt, Jealousy, Fear, and Hate. All these monsters are running a muck in our lives... well I know they do in mine. Most of us totally live every day of our lives crushed under the foot of some manifestation this monster... I just didn't have a name for it until I read this book and I thought about it. You know what God said to Adam and Eve? He says, "Who told you that you were naked?" Now God knows what happened he isn't really asking them to tell him who said that. It isn't like God's gonna be that mom... you know the one... the mom that asks who bothered her baby so that she can go get them and punish them for hurting her baby, God is not that mom. In Acuff's essay he says God was expressing his hurt because his creations were experiencing something that he never meant for them to feel. God was brokenhearted that Adam and Eve were too ashamed of themselves to stand before Him and I agree with him Acuff God was expressing his hurt. Furthermore I think the rest of us who came into being way after the fig leaves incident of 1 B.C.E. (I don't know if that's accurate dating... I don't get dates) have broken God's heart a lot with how much we allow our shame to make us fear standing before God. We fail to believe in who's he's made us to be. See I firmly believe in God and who he is but I think I waver on who I am sometime... and I'm gonna go out on limb here and say that I'm not the only one.
There are probably a million things holding peoplekind <--- my word > back. The fear of looking silly in front of other people, perhaps not being good enough, tall enough, or short enough(I know someone out there feels awkwardly tall... you aren't... you're majestic! and this is for you). Maybe we don't think we fit in or something like that what ever your particular beef with yourself is. Well who told you that? Who said that? Why do you believe that? Did God say that? I don't think so because God doesn't want us to be ashamed of who we are. Adam and Eve were rocking their birthday suits happily before the fall... maybe we should go retro and happily rock our birthday suits (figuratively please... I don't want anyone getting arrested) and just be comfortable in our own skin no matter what it looks like.
God's probably all tear-eyed sitting there next to you saying "Who told you that?" right now.
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