Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dirty Soy Chai Tea Latte and Gabriel García Márquez

I love sitting in bookstores and reading their books its like a swanky library with mood music. I like to buy a dirty soy chai tea latte (chai tea with soy milk and a shot of espresso) from whatever cafe they offer me and browse their book selection. I could do it every day. It might be weird for me to be a regular in a bookstore but I'm not too concerned with that because what isn't weird about me. Back to the bookstore I took a look at this book 1001 Book You Must read in your life time. I'm no literature buff... well Spanish Literature yes but not English Literature. As I browsed though the book I realized I'm well on my way to achieving the 1001 books, some of my favorite authors are prominently featured in the book including Gabriel García Márquez... I know you had no idea where I was going and probably still don't. I absolutely love his novels and short stories I think they are magnificent. Furthermore García Márquez goes well with a dirty soy chai. My 2 favorite things about his books are 1) they have a subtle feel of a fantasy, I love the clever use of imagination and things that could never happen in real life juxtaposed next to things that are perfectly possible. 2) there is a real life element in all of his books there is repetition in ideas. My favorite book is Cien años de soledad or One Hundred Years of Solitude I read it in Spanish first, it was the first novel I read in Spanish. It was pretty hard to understand too so I didn't completely understand the book until reread it in English and that's when I fell in love. Here's why I really loved the thematic repetition... and yes I know how nerdy that sounded... there is this repetition of names, situations, circumstances in the story and the book ends with everything in the same state that it began after immense changes and revolution the fictional villages it returns to to its original primitive and secluded state.

I love it because that is life its this cyclic things where this event looks like that event but its not because no two moments are the same. That is my life. One of my professors once said this to my class: "History doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes."

*side note*
She's pretty quoteable my favorite thing she says is, whenever people don't do things they are supposed to do she tells them "Angels will weep for you."
*end side note*

Welp I'm pretty sure my life was written by Dr. Seuss, see Green Eggs and Ham, Sam I Am is modeled after me. Get to the point Christina. My point is I feel like its 2007 again.

*Flashback* It's April, I have a million assignments due and finals to take. I'm nervous and I can't sleep most nights. I'm anticipating the excitement of starting a new chapter in my life. I'm about to graduate High School and I have no real plan nor do I have a purpose I'm just ready for adventure. I'm just moving forward with no idea where I'm going. I do know I'm doing Work Crew at a Young Life camp for a month in the summer and one of my best friends is going to be there too. I don't know what I'm going to do when I get back. I have options but no plans, I'm just walking. *End Flashback*

Present day. It's April I have a million assignments due and finals to take. I'm nervous and I can't sleep most nights. I'm anticipating the excitement of starting a new chapter in my life. I have no idea when I'm going to graduate college. I just declared a minor so I've pushed back my graduation date a semester to the Fall of 2011 but I could graduate in the Spring of 2012 and walk with my Best Friend, Bri. I have no real plan for after graduation or even after the summer for that matter nor do I actually have some kind of a purpose. I'm just moving forward with no idea where I'm going. I do know I'm Interning at a Young Life camp for the whole summer and one of my favorite people is going to be there too and that I'm beyond ecstatic about it! I don't know what I'm going to do when I get back. I have options but no plans, I'm just walking.

I told you my life rhymes.

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