I'm obsessed with several things in life right now. I want to share.
First: the book of Psalms in the Bible. Such a good read. Today's pick:
Psalm 45
It's so pretty and poetic.
Second: Crazy Love by Francis Chan
This book is so good. Every chapter I read I end up feeling more confident in the way I walk with Jesus and at the same time I feel wrecked, called out and challenged. I don't know how Chan wrote this book but I think Jesus was in the room.
Third: Grape Jelly Uncrustables
Okae so I hate peanut butter, I think it is soooo gross but I love these little things. The peanut butter doesn't matter. I've had at least 1 every day for like a week straight.
Literatura barroca... because that's what my test is on and I spent at least 8 hours obsessively reading about it.
Fifth and Final:
The idea of the fast approaching winter break. Ah I can't wait I so want to have a life again and I want to see my friends and hang out, maybe go to a movie preferably at the Drive In movie theater, I drove by it the other day I desperately want to find someone who it down to go. Plus I'm turning 22 during the break in 23 days. I'll be 22 :) I decided not to cry about it.
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