Thursday, January 27, 2011

Could this class be any longer...

I don't feel awesome right now and this class is dragging... profesor, con tu pelo y barba canosos, no entiendo lo que dice.

So I've discovered the following, in my 3.5 years of college... if you go to class you get a better grade based on 2 thing: you absorb a substantial amount information even if you only listen to every other word your professor says and they think you're trying if you show up to class so they like you. Even though I'm here my professor lost me 25 minutes ago because I have no idea what he is talking about... indians and corn... that's all I got. I'm a visual learner so listening to you chat in this cold room isn't helping me at all... why is it that all my Spanish professors lately are the lecture with out pictures types? If my be on Young Life staff plan for my life fails I'm pursuing Education and I'm I will not sit in a chair and lecture. EXTREME TEACHING (Phillip Nowlin, Desert Edge, circa 04-05) I'm gonna jump on a desk. Mr. Nowlin jumped on my desk one time and ya know what, I will always remember the bourgeoisie and the proletariat for the rest of my life, cuz he jumped on my desk and yelled Christina Poliate (he pronounced my name wrong for a year I never corrected him). Extreme. He also let our class watch Pocahontas one time and that was great.

Other things I've discovered in college:

1. Some how being on facebook can fill a class period but I don't know why I get on facebook... no one ever says anything to me and I'm not clever so people don't read my statuses most of the time... no one comments. And I've theorized that I'm forgettable on facebook, maybe in life but definitely on facebook, but some how it steals away hours of my time... confusing.

2. ASU is odd.

3. Going to college helped me figure out a grand total of nothing about life. I thought it was supposed to help.

Some how this turned into negative Nancy time... changing the pace.

4. I love Thursday... like every other ASU student because no one goes to class on Friday here... they love it for another reason but I love it because historically Thursday is amazing. It started way back in the day when I used to have Wyld Life on Thursday night. Hanging out with my team and loving on our kids it couldn't get any better. I miss those days.

5. I still love Thursday.

6. Parrots now we're talking about parrots... I wonder if I'm the only that is lost. nope there's a girl playing solitaire, she's lost too.

7. Always have 7 points... I'm kind of out of things to say and class is almost over this post doesn't say a lot at all. Oh this week 3 different people have called me smart and I don't know how I feel about it. I mean, I'm not dumb and I do know things, but smart? I don't know... plus 2 of the people called me smarter than other people... yeah... I don't know about that.

Ah this class is finally over.

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