Thursday, April 22, 2010

So what's wrong with us?: Take 2-The Arizona Issue

Once again I find myself asking what is wrong with us? Not me or even my friends and associates specifically but "us" as a people group. What's wrong with Americans scratch that what's wrong with Arizonans. Why do we do things that just don't make sense? If we just took a second and really thought it out we'd see how dumb it is. The Arizona Senate has passed a bill AZ SB 1070, it is immigration legislation and basically permits racial discrimination. I'm not a fan of political debate, I know what's going on in the world but I keep my thoughts to myself so as to avoid pointless heated debates because I prefer not to fight with people. So I'll put a disclaimer on this one:

If you are reading this and you are an AZ republican, a supporter of AZ SB 1070 or someone who has ever said the following statement and been serious about it "America is for AMERICANS" then stop reading this post. I love you because I love all of God's people and you are one of them but I don't agree with you and I am going to bash on your opinions for a sec. You're entitled to your opinion but I'm entitled to disagree and put it out there.

Now if you don't know about Arizona Senate Bill 1070 lemme give you a little run down, I researched it this morning and I'm outraged.

1. So first of all the Bill applies to any and all immigrants however this is Arizona... so I going to venture to say I think perhaps the Canadians are safe. That leaves our central American friends to be heavily effected by this potential law.

2. The bill has passed the senate and house on a party vote (Dems voted NO Repubs voted YES) it is awaiting the approval or veto of Gov. Brewer.

3. The bill if made law will allow police with "reasonable suspicion" to question and verify the immigrant status of people they stop for any reason. Also they do not need a warrant to arrest "suspicious" persons they suspect have committed any unlawful act.

4. Being present on public or private land is an offense according to SB 1070.

5. Residents will be prosecuted for involvement in harboring, transporting or the employment of immigrants who are not in possession of the proper documentation. Whether or not the resident is aware of the immigrant's status or not.

6. Specifies that it is unlawful, if a motor vehicle is stopped on a street, roadway or highway and blocks or impedes the normal movement of traffic: a) for a motor vehicle occupant to attempt to hire or hire and pick up passengers for work at a different location b) for a person to enter the motor vehicle in order to be hired by a motor vehicle occupant and to be transported to work at a different location. (so don't pick up Home Depot Mexicans... or black guys... one time I saw a black guy kicking it with the Home Depot Mexicanos. This SB 1070 is bad for everyone LoL but seriously)

So that's a little bit of info on the bill but if you wanna know more Google that there is tons more to read.

I would like to comment on "reasonable suspicion". What the hell is reasonable suspicion to ask someone if they are an illegal immigrant? What make the officer suspect anything. Am I suspicious because I'm Latina and I have brown skin. Because you can not just look at someone and decide if they might be an immigrant unless you consider where they may have originated from. How do you do that? You consider their race. THAT IS RACIAL PROFILE. Arizona are you seriously going to pass a bill and make it law, if it allows racially profiling people? Think about it are they going to pull over the pick up truck with Chihuahua in the rear window or the Lexus with Caucasian female driver? The truck duh. Well what about if you see two individuals riding in a car and they both have brown skin, are they suspicious because one of them could be "smuggling" the other. Should they be pulled over because of it and asked if they're illegals? Are you suspicious for looking a certain way or speaking a certain way. Are you suspicious because of your skin color? I'm sorry is this Nazi Germany? Should we have people sew sombreros on their shirts? Think I went too far with the Nazi comparison? Wrong! Writing this law was too far to start with so I'm taking it there. The Nazi's singled out a group of people they deemed to be lesser people. They passed laws that prevented them from having rights. There was a decree that prevented Jewish people from being in public at certain hours. SB 1070 states being present on public or private land without having the proper papers illegal. They can be picked up and deported for just being. The Nazis did that to the Jewish people, they tried to get rid of them. The only difference here is the fact that we aren't killing immigrants. There is no genocide here but I mean we're standing pretty close to the line. This is how the Nazis started, Hitler didn't kill millions of Jewish people over night, he stripped them of human rights first.

Like I said it applies to any immigrants in the state but if you think about it Europeans blend in, and so do Canadians. Plus this is Arizona, we all know this bill is directed at the Mexican immigrant population.

So I ask, what the hell is wrong with you, republican senators of Arizona? What the hell is wrong with anyone who isn't outraged at this. Dear Russell Pearce(who wrote the bill) Are you smoking hookah with the devil? Seriously is Hitler's ghost whispering in your ear at night because I'm pretty sure this is a really fucking stupid and racist idea. (yes I cussed and no I don't care who knows because I still love Jesus) Who writes legislation that permits the open discrimination on a portion of the population. I don't care if they're illegally here. Further more if you think its morally sound to pass this bill I think you're on drugs because this is bullshit bullshit bullshit... to quote Russell Brand.

There is no way on Earth that this is the best way to deal with illegal immigration. I'm all for reform but I'm against discrimination. This legalizes the open discrimination and it will be based on skin color, race and country of origin. You can't decide if someone is from here unless you ask them because no one looks like an immigrant. We're all born from immigrants even if its been 15 plus generations your family crossed a border to get here unless you're Native American. This bill singles out the Latino population to be persecuted because those are the "immigrants" that are not welcome here. So it is inevitable that people who are legal immigrants or even residents will be affected by this the passing of this bill. There is no way to avoid it no way, unless we write some more specific stupid laws. Like we might as well make them sew sombrero patches to their shirts and so it's easier to decide to check them.

I get it those people shouldn't be here without documentation but they're already here buddy, figure something else out. Give them an option. . Don't deport them for standing in public. Estan locos pinche cabrones? What the hell is wrong with Arizona.

1 comment:

  1. Good post... I'm not taking sides on democrat vs republican... but this could very well mean that I can get pulled over and harassed for no reason. This bill is ridiculous. It's making AZ look very... very stupid. I'm ashamed of our legislation.
